Contact Us

7388 Hume Avenue
Delta, BC V4G 1C5
[View map]

Tel: (604) 946-7660
Fax: (604) 946-7664
Toll Free: 1 (866) 947-7660

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Information Request Form

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*fields with an asterisk are required.

Name: *
Company: *
Street Address:
City: *
Province/State: *
Country: *
Postal/Zip Code: *
Email Address: *
Phone Number: *
Approximate Size of Structure:
(in ft.)
Length x Height x Width *
Please select your preferences:
(check all that apply)
Web Truss Structure
Single Arch
Please specify any other
specific requirements:

i.e. Door Sizes, Ventilation,
Insulation, etc.
How would you like us to contact you? Email *